Markers are areas or points within the fields that are drawn from the web platform or mobile app in the field to record information and provide detailed monitoring over time.
Either from the automatic detection of an anomaly or by simple visualization, the user can measure the affected area by drawing a polygon or a point that identifies it.

We can find these “Management Zones” as soil sampling points, biomass or yield estimates, variety trials or fertilization levels, etc.
In turn, this functionality allows us not only to associate variables and values to each point or polygon but also enables area measurements, historical analysis of the average NDVI, recording photographs in the field to share them in reports and uploading and downloading spreadsheets with the associated information.

In conclusion, a Marker can store the following information:
Variables, values and units
Evolution of NDVI and GNDVI indexes of the last months for that zone
Record of photographs
For example, this is a field where a Marker was created in the southern sector to evaluate a nitrogen fertilization trial:
Do you want to learn how to create samples and synchronize soil analysis, yield and forage biomass data to them? Click here