Satellite images used in auravant are Sentinel 2, they have a resolution of 10m x 10m per pixel. They are identified by the color blue in the image selector. The frequency of the images varies between 3 and 7 days (provided there are no clouds).
In addition, there is also the possibility of having HD and Ultra HD images.
The HD images have a resolution of 3x3m with an almost daily image frequency and a history available since the middle of 2020. In the image selector they are identified by being underlined in red, as shown in the following image.

In the case of Ultra HD, the resolution reaches 0.8 x 0.8m (depending on the satellite that takes the image) and, in this case, the availability of images is on demand (for footprints of 2,500ha). In the image selector they are identified by being underlined in orange.
